Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day Fifteen-Sihouette

Pulled over near SF State on my way home last night because I really liked the way the trees were back light and thought I could pull off a nice silhouette. Then, a golfer walked by and made for the perfect element to show the scale of the trees. I also like how he pops out from the green grass. I missed his swing because I was lurking from across the street and a bunch of cars went past but, hey, that's the life of a lurk. Moral of the story: lurking on strangers is all about timing. And lurkability. Think I made that up? That's because I did.

Day One: Selfie
Day Two: What I Wore
Day Three: Clouds
Day Four: Something Green
Day Seven: Fruit 
Day Eight: A Bad Habit
Day Nine: Someone You Love
Day Ten: Childhood Memory 
Day Eleven: Something Blue 
Day Twelve: Sunset  

Day Thirteen: Myself with 13 Things

Day Fourteen: Eyes

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