Thursday, September 22, 2011

Easy Bread

Hello, I have a recipe for you today! I mentioned that I was making this bread in a post a while back but never got around to the pictures until last night. That day I was on a cooking rampage that included this yummy wheat bread, my first attempt at a whole chicken and twice-baked potatoes. It was pretty intense, y'all. I won't lie, I probably won't be making twice-baked potatoes for a while as they are too much effort. I would rather make garlic-y mashed potatoes incorporating the cheeses and skipping all the extra steps. But, I digress, that will be its own post.

This recipe is from Heidi Swanson's 101 Cookbooks which you should really check out if you are at all  into healthy food because her recipes definitely do not forgo flavor for health. She knows how to marry the two together quite happily. This bread was actually really, really easy. So easy that I swore I was doing something wrong because I always thought making bread was supposed to be tedious. And also because it doesn't really rise and I thought for sure it was a lost cause before I even put it into the oven.

My panic and insecurities were eased as soon as I tasted the bread and completely vanished after I slathered on some butter. Don't worry, the wheat totally cancels out the butter. It's called science, people.

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