Friday, August 5, 2011

Day Eleven-Something Blue

These guys sit on my monitor at work. I get one when I order stuff from Photojojo. The blue one came in the box with my "Keep Calm and Snap On" poster and the other I got yesterday with my new camera bag. It's funny, I never even realized that dinosaur is blue before. All of the sudden yesterday I looked at it and thought, "Hey! That's blue!" When you are looking for "something blue" suddenly you see things that you didn't pay much attention to before. The same thing happened on my "something green" day, but blue was different because there's not as much blue around as there is green. Especially on a day like today when the weather couldn't make up it's mind and there were only little blue spots between gray clouds. Hoping for some sun tomorrow so I can take my lunch outside and remember that there is a whole world going on outside our freezing cold, over-air-conditioned office.

Day One: Selfie
Day Two: What I Wore
Day Three: Clouds
Day Four: Something Green
Day Seven: Fruit 
Day Eight: A Bad Habit
Day Nine: Someone You Love
Day Ten: Childhood Memory