Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

Hello! I had not realized quite how long it had been since I blogged. As I shared before, I had a big job and it was taking up the better part of my mind/worries (well, it still is). After the job, which was the Sunday before last, I was feeling exhausted and decided to lay off blogging for a week to recoup. Well, that sort of bled into this week and I realized it's almost pay day and I have yet to blog or create anything! Perhaps it's stress or the early disappearance of the sun, but I have been much more inclined to curl up on the couch with a blanket rather than spend additional time at the computer. I could also blame all the new fall shows, but I won't be petty.

I know it happens basically the same way every year, but every time fall rears its head I swear it's not due. I have not had enough sunshine, swimming or warm nights. I have not had the perfect nectarine. It's just not right. Well, I declare it's time to embrace what fall has to offer rather than blame it for ruining my beloved summer. Plus, fall means my birthday is right around the corner and who doesn't love celebrating numero uno?  I already decided where I will have my official birthday dinner. Today's first picture is actually the ceiling of the restaurant from my first visit in August. It was obviously delicious because I decided far in advance that it will be the first stop of the train that will be my birthday weekend (insert train sound here!) And here's a picture I just came across while organizing, just to make things even.